Friday, October 18, 2013

Those music videos you should probably just keep to yourself...

Okay so most people enjoy dancing.
But I feel like I enjoy it more than most people.

And I'm not gonna lie y'all.
I'm real good.
Like... real good.

I'm also pretty good at making quality music videos!

I suppose that might not be saying much though if this is my idea of a quality music video:

Perhaps it wouldn't be that big of a deal if these weren't something that I pride myself in and post on social media on a regular basis....

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Exhibit A: The pancake count.

I am obsessed with taking ugly pictures of myself and plaguing people with them.
SmartPhone backgrounds make prime real-estate pictures.

In case you were wondering how many double chins I can do...

I present one of my favorite activities around anyone (including attractive individuals of the opposite sex): THE PANCAKE COUNT

This could be the start of something new...

So the idea for this blog started when Bekah and I were talking to members of our singles ward bishoprics and they told us they couldn't believe we were still single...
That got us wondering.
Why on earth are we still single? Just look at us!

Who in their right mind would not want to drive us straight to the jewelry store to pick up a wedding ring?

So we've decided to start brainstorming some ideas.

Ladies and gentlemen! For those of you who have been wondering why we aren't dating anyone, I give you: